Thursday, August 4, 2011

CO part 1

Hello bloggers!! Greetings from Manitou Springs, CO!! If you take a walk with me down memory lane for a moment, you’ll recall the post where I mentioned that I’d be in CO for an entire summer. And as most of you found out….eventually……this did not happen - at least not like I had originally planned.

Here’s what did happen…

I’ve been in CO for about a week and a half now. Total, I will be here three weeks before going back home. In short, this has been a trip for firsts – starting from the very beginning. I had to drive 8 hours. 8 HOURS!! I have never driven a car more than half an hour away from home before in my life. And get this - I’ve never even had to use the cruise control on my car (pathetic unnecessary). Well this time around, I had got to do both. Other than a major leg cramp and the most horrible route anyone could ever take to get there, the road trip was a success and I got both Lady M and I to CO in one piece. And the car.

Upon our arrival, the plan was to go straight to the house (which we did) and then stay there that first night (which we did not). As soon as we got to the house, the cleaning crew was there and quite surprised to see us ‘a day early’. Communication hasn’t been a real forte out here. So just a potato salad and a pork sandwich away, we found ourselves in the Comfort Inn just across the street for an evening. Hotels can be iffy when you’re in a room all by yourself.

The next few days while Lady M’s son was still with us, we spent our time unloading boxes, moving furniture around, and getting the place as homey as possible. Eventually, Lady M’s son left and it was just her and I…….and all of the construction workers. I can’t honestly say that we are on our own, because we aren’t. But still.

For those of you that don’t know, I grew up in a house full of girls, so living in the middle of a construction zone (no exaggeration) is a stretch. Every day, starting at 7 a.m., the men would be in the house (literally everywhere) doing their work. Definitely a first for me. After a while, freaking out every time you use the bathroom for fear of someone walking in on you, or having to get up extra early in the morning to look decent for everyone, you get used to it – believe it or not. I actually enjoy their company! The house gets real quiet without them there. REAL quiet.

Still another week and a half to go! I’m missing everyone at home, but I’m having fun being in a new place for an extended period of time. I have my moments when I just have to ask God for a new attitude or the courage to help me face my fears (CO traffic). It’s been a wonderful experience of stepping up to the plate and putting myself out there and then watching God handle it all.

That’s my update for now. Sending my love to everyone back home! I’m praying for you - especially in that 113 degree weather you all have had! I won’t mention the temperature here…..well since you asked. Today we have a high of 85 degrees! Not to mention we’ve had rain nearly every single day since getting here. I promise I will never mention the weather here again.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Revamp

I have decided to stop planning everything in life all together. For some reason or another, my original plans are always changing - never fails.

In my previous post, I wrote about my amazing plan for this summer - go to CO and have awesome/amazing experiences. Apparently, what I thought was God's plan for my summer is actually far from what it's turning out to be.

It turns out that I will not be going to Colorado this summer. Well, I take that back. I'll be going there for a week on a vacation with my family, but then I'll be riding back with them in my five-passenger Mercury Sable.....instead of standing out front, waving goodbye as I watch them drive away. (mental note: must bring medicine for leg cramps)

I know I all couldn't wait for me to get the heck out of Wichita for the rest of the summer. As much as you all must be extremely disappointed, no one is more upset than me. My entire summer got turned around in the blink of an eye, hence my decision to quit planning ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
It's all going to get switched around anyways.

While I can't seem to shake the disappointment off as fast as I'd like, I'm constantly reminded that His timing is perfect and He never makes mistakes. Given time, everything will work out. I just wish He'd provide a little commentary as He carries out His master plan.
But we can't have everything in life, now can we?

Monday, May 30, 2011

CO prep

The time is drawing near to kiss Kansas goodbye for a short while and wave hello to Colorado!! (Lord-willing).

Here in roughly two weeks I'll be leaving to spend the rest of my summer in Manitou Springs, CO with a wonderful lady, M. Her son built a condo out there and that's where she's wanting to spend her time, relaxing and having fun. Can't say I blame her! She couldn't have picked a more beautiful spot to relax.

While she and I are down there, we have a list of things that will be accomplished. Work you ask? Heck no, what kind of fun is that? This is a list that M created and, of course, I'd love to help her accomplish it. Bear in mind, these are just few that I'm aware of...who knows what this lady has planned...

1. Learn Spanish. I come from a fairly long line of Germans. In fact, I was forced to take at least two years of the German language in high school. Any thoughts about taking a different foreign language and I would've been branded a traitor to my family. Fortunately, this is no longer a problem, but still this will be interesting.

2. Go line dancing. Oh we're not just line dancing. We're line dancing at the senior center. I will officially be the youngest person there, but might in fact become the most popular dance partner in the room (or so I'm told).

3. Become members of the country club. In addition to coming from a long line of Germans, I also come from a very long line of people that have never been members of a country club. I was even informed by my mother that I needed to invest in some better clothes to make a good impression on the country clubbers, or anyone else in a nice environment. Thank you, Mom. Clearly, I'll be encroaching on new territory and I think it's safe to say that I'll have no idea what I'm doing.

So like I said, just a few goals on the list. I'm sure I'll have many more stories and goals to post as time goes on. Please pray for me as we continue to prepare for our trip. There have been some obstacles thrown our way, but God is working!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1 down, 3 to go

I'm done with my first year of college!! That's HUGE! I'll never be a freshman ever again!!!

Whew.....okay I just had to get that out of my system. Let summer BEGIN!!! sorry, now I'm done.

As I reflect upon the school year that's passed, one word comes to mind - gratefulness. But that spurs on other words, such as humility, love and trust. In reference to all, I have learned many lessons that continue to shape and fashion me as time goes on. Don't ever think for one second that you've learned all there is to know, or that you have to be stuck in the same spot in life. There is always room to grow. No one said it's easy and breezy like Cover Girl, but it's beautiful because you'll be growing in Him.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

where to look

"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God." Colossians 3:1

What am I seeking?
Success at school. Brains. Success at work. Love from others. Beauty. Wit. Affirmation. Control. Adventure. Security. Money. Possessions - I could go on, but I'll spare you.

How many of those are 'things that are above'?

Why am I always looking for these things, when He tells me I won't need them? It seems I'm always muting His voice whenever He tries to tell me, "In Me, you are made new. In Me, you are beautiful. In Me, you have hope. In Me, you have love. You don't need to worry or fear, because I am in control - I've got you. Give your money and possessions to the poor, the orphans and the widows. Seek the things that are above."

I should be seeking after the things that will make me more like Him, and those can only be found in Him.

"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:33

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matthew 13:44-46

If we sought after the kingdom of heaven, and the things that are above, we will care for nothing else in this world. Nothing else will matter! We will sell all of it for that treasure that is far greater than any other we could possibly imagine.

What are you in search of?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Prayer

To my audience of one
You are Father, and You are Son
As your spirit flows free,
Let it find within me
A heart that beats to praise You.
And now just to know You more
Has become my great reward,
To see Your kingdom come
And Your will be done.
I only desire to be Yours,

Audience of One - Big Daddy weave

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Passion 2011

This past weekend was so awesome - it could not have been better! Last week we (me and a whole bunch of other college students) were promoting an event called AfterDark. AfterDark travels across the country and hosts a late night event geared towards non-believers. They bring in a band, a speaker and present the gospel in a really cool and radical way. Everyone involved had been planning this event for months now and to be honest, when the night finally came, I think we were all pretty anxious maybe even nervous for the turnout and the response.

We were blown away.

We had more people than we anticipated - I think we even surprised the guys in charge of it all! But not only was the crowd big, but the response that they had was amazing! That night was an encouragement to us all - it was so neat to see the process of God stirring the hearts of those helping and the affections of those watching.

Not only did I get to participate in that amazing night, but the very next morning a group of our college group from church left bright and early for Ft. Worth, TX for the Passion 2011 conference.

That weekend alone filled me up, refreshed my soul, stirred my affections for God, and encouraged me alongside my brothers and sisters. I was reminded about how I need not fear the future - the unknown. He has paid my ransom!! Any battle I will encounter has already been won in the precious name of Jesus! Death has been defeated and has lost its sting.
This is good news - not just good news. THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL EVER HEAR! Let's act like it!

I couldn't talk about the weekend without posting some awesome pictures for you all! Enjoy!

One of our main missions was to fund Bible translations. Roughly 40% of the world doesn't know about Jesus.
My awesome family group! Continuing to pray for them!
Great night in the hallway of our hotel! We may, or may not, have gotten the security called on us for being too noisy....
L.O.V.E them! Each and every one a beautiful woman of God!