Monday, July 5, 2010


I love fireworks. I really do! Just not while they're exploding in the air right next to my bedroom window as I'm trying to go to bed. I remember the good old days. You know, the days when they had that ban on certain fireworks right around my current location. Much to our "surprise and joy" the ban is no longer.....and every minute of the Fourth of July I feel like I'm caught in the middle of this huge battle and I'm being shot at. So not ideal.

After attempting sleep more than once, I finally got my way. I didn't get up until noon! I was suffering from sleep-deprivation but now I'm cured! The house was still quiet so I decided to surf the internet (something I'm good at). I went to check up on my blog and got sidetracked when I started checking out other blogs that I follow, or that my friends follow. Did you know that they give out awards?? People even get sponsors for their blogs!! People pay money to put up ads too!

Clearly I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I created my blog. And there's still so many things that I don't understand - like the awards, sponsors, ads, how to get a button that people can grab off your blog....etc. BUT! I am not at all opposed to learning everything there is to learn about this wonderful newly-enlightened world of blogging.

Help is very much appreciated in this great undertaking

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