Tuesday, October 19, 2010

not bored

So sorry I haven't updated all of my followers on what's been going on lately :)
School: It's going well! I've had a few tests that I've done pretty good on for the most part and the homework really isn't so bad, which is another way of saying that I barely have any, but when I do I don't complain because it's not hard at all really.....in short - I love college.

This morning, I felt like I had SO much to accomplish today. I was eating breakfast with my good friend, Kelly, and I was going through a list of things I felt like I needed to do. Apparently, the list was a lot smaller than I originally thought. So I'm currently sitting in my room trying to come up with something to do......
That sort of reminds me of when I was a kid. I could never mention the word "bored" around my mom for fear of her putting me to work. She'd instantly come up with some odd job that needed to get done around the house. I think I speak for all kids in America when I say that when we say "I'm bored", what we're really saying is "I'm done watching TV and messin around on the computer, and I can't figure out what fun thing to do next."
Why could moms never EVER hear it that way??

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