Friday, January 21, 2011

This time_

At the beginning of this year (2011), I made the decision to read through the Bible in a year. Yes, I know it may sound a bit challenging to some of you and, to be honest, I thought the exact same thing. Oh, who am I kidding? I still think it is. I've never been the type of person that could consistently do one thing for long periods of time.

Case and point - "quite times". When I start out, I'm going strong! I'm hardcore, I'm getting into it....I'm unstoppable! And then I skip out on a day because I was at work, or it was family time, or I was at Orange Leaf with a friend. No matter how many times I try to remain consistent, my failure never fails! Oh the irony....

It shouldn't surprise me though, when the same pattern pops up, yet again! Only this time, it's destroying the confidence I have in my capability of doing this reading plan faithfully and consistently. I've missed one, two...ok ok, it's more like a week and a half of reading days!

I know, I know, I know. There's no need to remind me that it's only January 21. I'm not even one month into it and I'm already feeling like an epic failure! I'm setting myself up for another 'loser moment'.

Then, I got to thinking about how seriously this reading plan effects my relationship with God. The Bible are His exact words! They're one of the most precious things in life that He, Himself, gave to us! For the soul purpose of knowing Him. Knowing Him! But not just knowing Him, but knowing how to be like Him and how to better reflect Him in our lives. Each time I miss out on reading from His Word, I miss out on precious time to know all of that. I miss out on knowing Him. I'm missing it for what again? Ice cream at Orange Leaf, a movie, an afternoon of shopping with money I don't even have (don't even try to justify any of these excuses! You and I both know ways around this).

Here's a reality check for ya - nothing matters. Yup, now you're listening. NOTHING MATTERS - except Him. If He is the only thing that matters, then why do I constantly push Him farther and farther down on my priority list?? Instead of faithfully spending time with Him, I faithfully choose not to. Just typing this to you reminds me again how big of a jerk I feel.

So from now on, I will (once again) try my hardest to make it my number one priority. And I'll keep you updated! I'm excited to see what He has in store for me this year. And if there's one thing I've learned about Him, it's going to be one heck of a ride!

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