Thursday, April 29, 2010

brief snapshot of the next few weeks

People always told me that these last few months in high school would be the fastest. I believed them, but I think I'm more of a believer now than ever before! These next few weeks are going to be the busiest ones of the year! Starting next week, I'll have something going on ALL the time. Afternoon/night practices for our schools variety show every day, shows thursday, friday and saturday, AP government test, MAJOR house cleaning, moving the sister back from college, final days of classes and award ceremonies....the list is endless!And while I don't think my schedule can take much more, I don't mind one bit.

There are some things that I'm getting very frustrated/anxious about however. I don't remember if I've mentioned this before, but I applied for a new job over the summer. It's a full time, $9.75 an hour clerk job out at the AFB. I really REALLY really want this job. I turned in the application at the beginning of March and we're not supposed to hear about it until the beginning of May, which is just around the corner!! Only problem - I have absolutely no idea how much time I'll be allowed to take off if I end up getting the job. There are some things I want to do, places I want to go.....deadlines are coming up and I don't even know if I'll be available. I'm losing patience....never a good thing!

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