Monday, August 9, 2010


OK. So if you read my last blog, (if you haven't, you can use the extra energy and scroll down just a tad) you'd know that I was already a "rebel" - with permission, of course. Now, this post isn't about another way that I exhibited my rebellious, teenage ways. More of another change that has been made in my daily life.
Ya, that's right. You probably can't even guess it - so I'll just go ahead and tell you since I am literally jumping out of my socks with excitement! (no, I am not actually wearing socks. It is summer and it's been around 110 degrees to be exact. Only idiots where socks in the middle of August, and I for one am not an idiot)
Back to my previous point! I'm excited! Because we got a new puppy!! In case you couldn't tell by the name of this post, his name is Toby. He started out as our imaginary dog that we dreamed of getting, and he is now reality!
I have pictures to prove it too! Looky looky!!

He likes to crawl all over us when we get down on the floor. He's such a sweet little pup and we're so excited that he's a part of our family.
Many more smiles are on the way thanks to this little guy!


  1. he's sooooo Cute!!! I can't wait to get our family a dog. maybe when Peter is 2? In the mean time, we get to dogsit my folks dog now and then!
    love you lady!

  2. YAY for little Toby! (and P.S. I am loving the new look to your blog!)
