Tuesday, March 23, 2010

blown tire

Today was a very educational day. I felt like I learned a lot of things and I got things accomplished! I haven't felt this good about myself in quite a while!

The first experience was this afternoon. My mom had schedule her hair appointment at around 3 pm - right at the time when my youngest sister Rebekah had to be at a band sectional. So my mom asked me to drop her off for her. The rehearsal was only going t last for about 15 minutes so the plan was for me to sit in the car and wait for Rebekah to get done. Then, I'd go to school and pick up my other sis (Jessica) and take everyone home. Basically, my name for the day was 'chauffuer'.

I grabbed a few magazines, my ipod, and I left the house to drop off Rebekah. I then proceeded to run over an iron grate that was in the middle of the road, consequently, blowing out my tire. We had to pull over in the Home Depot parking lot so I could survey the damage. it wasn' pretty, lets just put it that way...

called my dad. took him 1/2 an hr to get to us from where he works. Rebekah and I figured that of all the places to get stranded, we were in the best spot. It was close to home, there was a car place just down the street, we were at Home Depot where "manly men" go shopping, AND the YMCA was right next door where "manly men" workout! :D we had fun.

the educational point to this story was that I learned how to change a tire....i don't think i mentioned that....

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