Sunday, March 14, 2010

Looming doom of death

Went out and got the AWAKENING CD with my mom the other day - I can't stop listening to it!!

I have about two more days of freedom before I go under (a.k.a get my wisdom teeth removed). I've been trying to prepare my mom for all the materials that I know I'll need. Yes, I hate to say it, but I am actually quite nervous for the surgery. I can handle a sudden appendectimy, but at the same time I didn't see that one coming. With my wisdom teeth, the thought of this appointment coming has been looming in the back of my mind for the past month. Don't you hate that?! I'm praying for a quick recovery - because the last thing I want to do is spend my senior spring break in bed for a week looking like a retarded chipmunk. That's just not my idea of fun.

So before the surgery I'm goin to get a pedicure and then afterwards, I'll get my hair done. Sort of as a "Hey, way to survive!!" thing. I'm going to have tons of fun blogging about this! You'll definately want to read about what I'm going through this week.

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